Hello, Welcome to INTEGRA's Website where you will find articles and other resources for help with loss
issues and the resulting grief.
Our co-founder, John M. Schneider, PhD, sadly died in April 2012 (see information here), but finished a new
book days before the accident that led to his death.
This is the description of this wonderful new book that is filled with a deep understanding of grief:
FINDING MY WAY From Trauma to Transformation: The Journey Through Loss and
Grief by John M. Schneider PhD (Seasons Press, 2012).
Finding My Way From Trauma to Transformation describes and illustrates both the
universality of loss and grief and the unique ways it is experienced by every person.
John Schneider presents his comprehensive model for grief, which poses three
fundamental questions or discoveries that we all face in grief:
Just as important as proposing a model of grief, John describes at length the problem
that "medicalizing" grief presents to society – of misdiagnosing normal grief as
depression or PTSD. Current medical and psychological approaches misunderstand
and mislabel grief and thus often produce effects directly opposite to the ones
This is an updated and revised edition of Finding My Way: Healing and Transformation
through Loss and Grief and represents over forty years of clinical practice and
experience of the author, John M. Schneider, PhD, as well as the accumulated wisdom
of colleagues. It includes the stories of people in grief, who have discovered the
transformative role that loss and grief play in their lives.
Finding My Way represents a major contribution to the understanding of loss and
grief. It is written for a general audience, especially for those experiencing grief. It is
also a valuable resource for people who want to support those in grief. Professional
caregivers will also find this book valuable. The information and wisdom contained
within are timeless and will serve as a valuable resource for a very long time.
Dr. Schneider's book informs one's spirit as well as one's mind. It has been
helpful to me in walking with others through their losses and helping them to heal
while uncovering the transformations apparent and possible in their journey.
This book is available here, or by contacting SZimmerman@integraonline.org. You also should be able
to purchase this through your local bookstore.
FINDING MY WAY From Trauma to Transformation
TRANSFORMING LOSS: A Discovery Process
by John M. Schneider, PhD
with Susan K. Zimmerman
Often we only see grief as a long process of pain and healing when
actually it can be a journey of DISCOVERY! Beautifully depicted
and clearly written, this BOOK shows how:
~ Change contains elements of loss
~ Loss leads to grief
~ Grief is a process – a healing one
~ The outcome can be positive
The process can even be transforming, opening new strength, new
energy, and new wisdom!
Buy it now and
get our SALE PRICE: $10.00 (plus $4.00 shipping)
(Retail price: $12.00)
(Quantity discounts available)

Contact INTEGRA with your questions or for directions to our programs: