Loss and grief are universal experiences and,
perhaps, our most frequent path toward transformation and growth.
Our responses to trauma and to success are
examples of what transformation is all about. The word transformation
means a significant alteration in the form of something has taken
placea moving across or beyond the old form to something unknown
or unknowable before the change began.
In its healthiest sense, transformation is
opening to a larger reality than the one our personal ego could
admit previously. During the process of transformation, we experience
being broken or of breaking with the past. We sense discontinuity
in our lives as we go through any major transitions. That sensing
of discontinuity, the healing that begins with acknowledging change,
is an important part of the transformative journey we often call
In spite of broken appearances, we arent
really changing what is meaningful to us. The essence of who and
what we are remainsthe thread that weaves its way through
our story remains unbroken.