The Association for Integrative & Transformative Grief

Donation Form

Items like our newsletters, this website, our many activities are not possible without financial support. Because Integra is a charitable non-profit assocation, your donation will be tax deductible. Consider making a financial gift to Integra today!

YES, I would like to make a contribution of
Name (first,last)
City State Zip
Phone Number
(Be sure to include your e-mail address as much of our information will be sent via e-mail and the web.)
$1,000+ (Founders level)
$500-$999 (Patrons level)
$100-$499 (Directors level)
$50-$99 (Community level)
$25-$49 (Friends level)
I would like to discuss making a special bequest with your representative
Please send me information on how I might participate as a volunteer

I am unable to make a donation at this time, but please keep me informed
of Integra's activities through my e-mail address above

Fill out this form then click Print Form
Mail form with payment to:
PO Box 6013
East Lansing, MI 48826